Hosting SNP1 Humenné, Slovakia in Jagoda Truhelka Primary School, Osijek Croatia - Erasmus+ (September 23-27, 2024)
Oct 31, 2013 – Sep 30, 2024
Irena Bando (Owner)
Ana Vukojevic
Vesna Ovnicevic
Magdalena Vuković Pivić
Sla M
Ivan Iličić
Nevenka Barišić Krivić
Nina Jukic
Zvjezdana Faktor
Zlata Kralik
Iris Zorić
Benjamin Lamza
Višnja Cvek
Irena Bando
Irena Bando
Irena Bando
Irena Bando
Monday, 23 October 2024. Jagoda Truhelka Primary school
Welcome ceremony (students from 4th. mentor Liana Mur, primary teacher Tour of the school (students 8th grade, mentor Irena Bando, an Erasmus coordinator, school librarian)
Irena Bando
Irena Bando
Irena Bando
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