Yo-yo String Making: Mark's Rig
May 12, 2018 – Mar 19, 2019
Mark Diehr (Owner)
Zane Greb
Kyle Lampart
Jonathan Fun
Jay and Cait Williams
Landis Johnston
Kyle C.
K0x BsouL
Pranav Sharma
Jaxson Wicks
Alexander Ushakov
owo booperlv
Muhammed Abins
Paul C
Hi, I'm Mark, and I'd like to show you how I make yo-yo strings. This is a fun side-hobby for yo-yoers who are interested in trying out different string properties, colors, and resting their throw hands for a bit. If you're new to yo-yo string making I recommend Dylan Kowalski's tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woyU66wKLLU In this album I'm going to highlight some of the additional steps in my process that help me make more than one string at a time.
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