SmoothSavoryKim - Many of our photos and videos Volume 1 - (This album contains adult content if your not 18 years old do not view this album) This album and its many photos since 2017 is to document our self healing of the aging disease! Beginning with 2017 - The Link to Volume 2 - - This link is to our @LongSmoothLegs videos from our now killed YouTube channel - - This is a link 2 our @SmoothSavoryKim YouTube channel - - Moving is Life when your moving your body knows it is alive and will create the chemistry for life! If you stop moving for very long IE being a couch potato your body thinks it is dead and rigamortis will begin to set in. This is why you get stiff and hurt IE why it is painful to get up from being a couch potato. Also self massage stimulates positive life chemistry. Mixing movement and self massage can generate vitality. That is what we are doing in our videos is moving and self massage and creating vitality and trying share vitality with you 💕
Mar 20, 2017 – Nov 23, 2023
Kim Leggs (Owner)
Kim Leggs
عبدالعزيز فهد
Quinton Lee
The End
John Doe
jim pircam
solo 97
Beauty Newnew
سُــلَـطـْان بـْن فــُهــدِ
King Baggz
Jane Kennedy