Exposition project by Marina Saburova "Entre-lignes"
Jun 20, 2015 – May 26, 2016
Marina Saburova (Owner)
The "Between the Lines" project is an homage to the creative work of French poet and artist Henri Michaux from the 20th century. From childhood, he was fascinated by Eastern culture and particularly calligraphy. The spontaneity of writing hieroglyphic strokes is reflected in numerous works by the author, from illustrations for poetry collections to numerous abstract ink works. The exhibition presents an interpretation of the author's poems from the collection "Segments of Knowledge". Illustrations in the sumi-e Japanese ink painting technique allow for reflecting the paradox and conciseness of Michaux's poetic language and visually conveying what lies "between the lines". The linguistic sign combines the idea and its acoustic illustration. However, in Eastern calligraphy, the picture, sound, and word establish new interrelationships: hieroglyphs are ideographic signs, that is, conditional images or abstract drawings. As part of the project sumi-e books (e-hon) were presented. The exhibition took place in the tea house on the Vasylevsky island and the Gogol library in Saint-Petersburg.
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