Bike painting project (Q4 2019)
Sep 7 – Dec 28, 2019
Nomad Siv (Owner)
Zsolt Kallos
Lex Brugman
Vivek Balaraman
Vikram Lele
Ashok Sreenivas
Ravi Menon
It all started with my dislike for grey. Green-grey, silver-grey, insipid grey! My bike is 6 years old. Actually older, considering I bought it second-hand back then. I wanted a bright colored bike... this wish has been on my mind for a couple of years now. And so, after much market research and a sad conclusion that only kids' bikes come in bright colors, and that I don't quite warm up to the ice-blues and other "colored" bikes out there, I decided along with B to paint my bike the color I wanted! Time to decision: 1 year and 3 months.
Sneak preview: before and after pics!
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